Best Emerging School with a Progressive curriculum

Community Service

“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”

Today the world needs leaders who can contribute back to the society in a way which brings smile to everyone’s face. That can only be possible if a child understands the importance of community service. Mere having a way to earn is NOT considered to be SUCCESS anymore. Real success comes, when people come together and work together for everyone’s welfare.

At GDGPSB we provide students an opportunity to apply academic learning to real-life events through community service projects. It helps in building relationships and social connectedness and also exposes our students to diversity and multiculturalism. It Improves lifelong communication, interpersonal, and critical thinking skills.

At GD Goenka, students start volunteering at an early age as it has been researched and proved that students benefit greatly—both academically and emotionally—from volunteering their time to make the community and world a better place.

While completing community service projects, students develop real-world skills that will help them succeed in middle school, high school and beyond.