“Leadership is an action, not a position.”
G D Goenka Public School, Bhubaneswar, held its 2nd Investiture Ceremony on July 21, 2023 in the school auditorium. The event was conducted with great earnestness and passion as the newly appointed Student Council members were invested with duties, they will shoulder in the session 2023-24.
The ceremony began with the lighting of the auspicious lamp by the dignitaries and the esteemed guests. This was followed by a melodious rendition of the school song by the school choir creating an ambience of pride and honour.
The official ceremony began with the introduction of the members of the student Council with great zeal. The profile of each elected leader was introduced to the audience as they were conferred with their badges and sashes by the CEO of the school, Mr. Alok Dash, Principal, Mr. S. K. Singh and the members of the Audit Team , Ms. Rajni, Ms. Ruchika and Ms. Lakshmi Prakash. The members of the student council took the pledge to uphold the school motto of higher, stronger and brighter under the guidance of the school Principal. Addressing the gathering, the school Principal congratulated the newly elected leaders and also advised them to uphold the values as with position come responsibilities towards themselves, their peers and the school. With the blessings of the esteemed CEO , Mr. Alok Dash and members of the management, the school leaders were enthroned to be role models and extend a supporting hand for the smooth functioning of the school.
A few students (Vaibhavi Sahoo, Subhankar Mahapatra and Maulik Patra from Grade 7) were honoured with medals for their exemplary performance in Olympiad exams after the event.
The ceremony concluded with the national anthem.