Our Philosophy

We believe that all students should be given equal opportunities to be successful. Social, physical, creative activities and community service play an important role in student development and promoting school spirit.

The promotion of self discipline in a caring and compassionate environment will assist students, staff, teachers and administrators in working independently and collaboratively towards their shared goal of obtaining and providing the best education.

A positive, safe and purposeful ambience ensures a productive environment for a child to develop the confidence and skills of a lifelong learner.


G D Goenka Public School aims at nurturing individuals with paramount values and multivalent competencies. This lofty ideal is accomplished by virtue of a dynamic curriculum that envisions not only academic excellence but a wholesome all-round development of the child, his character and personality, aesthetic refinements, effective skills and the art of living.


Learning to contribute to humanity

We embark on the mission of creating individuals who are confident about their potential and are goal oriented, sensitive to their environment and above all, co-creators of their own destiny. Our aim is to help a child realize his/her inner strength and give him a conducive environment to grow & evolve as a good social being and a global citizen.

At G D Goenka Public School, we aim to provide an academic environment which treats each child as a unique individual and develops him/her to a maximum potential and to provide a variety of learning experiences which promote integrative growth in all areas, be it the physical, intellectual, moral or social.

  • To enable the child to grow up as a disciplined responsible, productive citizen of a democratic Country.
  • To introduce well balanced integrated personalities to the future of tomorrow.
  • To foster high standards of behavior based on mutual responsibility and self-discipline.
  • To ensure quality teaching and learning by providing an education that enriches and empowers.
  • To inculcate among students not just academics but also human excellence by nurturing values of generosity, truthfulness, compassion, tolerance and justice.


G D Goenka Public School – Values

At the G D Goenka School we consider it vital to instill in students a strong set of core values. This in turn will help shape their lives and the world around them. Universal values and ethical codes of conduct are taught, to enable them to build their future and benefit society. The G D Goenka School focuses on:

    • Values of honesty, compassion, tolerance and respect for others.
    • Development of democratic and secular values.
    • Respect for our country’s rich and varied heritage and a sense of national pride.
    • Learning to contribute to humanity through cooperative efforts.